Change One LIfe, Change the world Forever....
Internship Opportunities:

MSW or BSW Student
Housing Case Management Services for up to 12 families living in agency-owned properties (Summer and academic year placement available)

MSW or Master’s Level Counseling/Mental Health Student
Provide Therapy one-on-one sessions with individuals at risk for HIV

MPH or MPA Student
Assist with research and policy development for the OPT Out Program (ideally have an interest in substance abuse issues and LGBTQIA populations)

BSPH or MPH Student
Outreach and recruitment for HIV, Syphilis, and Hepatitis C Testing and Linkage to Care

Marketing Student, Non-Profit Management Student, HR Student
We have options for projects in these areas as well
Please email contact information, internship requirements, resume or CV, and information about your interest in interning with CCP
CCP is seeking volunteers for the following opportunities:
Moving Team
Assists in moving clients to new homes or in picking up and delivering donated furniture for clients.
Outreach Team
Attend testing, outreach, and community mapping events with our Prevention Team to assist in recruiting individuals for testing and other services.
Programs Committee
Review and score applications for funding, interview funding applicants, and make funding recommendations; monitor progress toward program goals and quality improvement initiatives.